Town Square Anesthesia
10400 Haligus Road
Huntley, Illinois 60142
815 334 3885 |


Surgical Anesthesia Services

General Anesthesia : see For Patient section, General Information about Your Anesthetic

Regional Anesthesia : see For Patient section, General Information about Your Anesthetic

Sedation, or Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) : see For Patient section, General Information about Your Anesthetic

Anesthesia for ObstetricsAnesthesia for Obstetrics

Labor Epidurals Intrathecal/Spinal Anesthesia

For our labor epidurals, we use low-doses of anesthesia that should not affect the course of labor, only the pain. For more information see the American Society of Anesthesiologists publication “Planning Your Childbirth: Pain Relief During Labor and Delivery”.

Sedation Services:

Having a test or procedure should not be so unpleasant that the patient vows never to return. We provide sedation, as necessary, for endoscopy, and radiologic procedures. Many adults do not require the level of sedation that only an anesthesiologist can provide. Many others are too uncomfortable or scared during invasive tests and procedures, often resulting in a limited procedure that may not be adequate. For those people, and for children, we assure a safe, comfortable experience.

Pain Management:

We offer a full range of acute and chronic pain management services:

Blocks for Post-Operative Pain

Many procedures that are best performed under general anesthesia result in significant post-operative pain that can be well managed with a nerve block placed pre-operatively. For example, patients having an ACL reconstruction usually receive a single-shot femoral nerve block to improve pain control for up to 24 hours at home. Patients having total knee replacements usually have a femoral nerve catheter placed, to improve pain control for up to 3 days while in the hospital.

Spinal Narcotics and Epidural Catheters

Patients having thoracic surgery or extensive abdominal surgery may benefit from either of these techniques. Spinal narcotics improve pain control for up to 24 hours. An epidural catheter can control pain effectively for up to 3 – 5 days. If these techniques are appropriate for you, your anesthesiologist will discuss them with you before surgery.

Chronic Pain Mangement

We have physicians who are dedicated to treating chronic pain using the most up-to-date techniques. Some patients are helped by a change in medication. Others benefit from more invasive therapy, such as epidural steroids, or even spinal-cord stimulators. If you have a chronic-pain syndrome, ask your doctor for a referal to our pain physicans.